Parent Curriculum Outline

Each age group, Toddler to Preschool, will be taught a curriculum that is "Age Appropriate".  That means everything taught will be designed for each child's age level. It is based on Creative Curriculum that focuses on social emotional, language, problem solving and physical. We enhance our program by including a Bible Curriculum, Character Pillars, American Sign Language, Ocean Discovery and Fitness (nutrition and exercise).

Twos - (24 months to 36 months)

By the age of two (24 months) children strive to communicate, socialize, and discover. They begin to learn to share, care and organize play. Your child’s learning environment will be enhanced by love and patience as well as choices. Crayons, paint, paper, blocks, dramatic play, puzzles and books all begin to have meaning. Manipulative development of fine motor skills promotes concentration and success. Simple games and specifically designed outdoor play equipment will development gross motor skills. They will be encouraged to explore and be social (sharing, awareness, and courtesy to others etc).

Potty training is part of the curriculum for a two year old. Children will move from wearing diapers to pull ups and graduate to underwear when they use the language, diapers are dry throughout the day and parent feels they are ready. Children will then transition from diapers to "pull up" or underwear.

Preschool - (Ages 3-5)

The curriculum for the preschooler is a combination of activities, language, discovery (science), dramatic play, creative expression (art), and self-sufficiency e.g. (buttons, zippers, shoe-laces, washing their own hands & face, bathroom techniques & table manners). Their learning environment is enriched with Learning Centers that enhance social skills, promote language, math, science & creative expression. Puzzles, manipulative & scissors promote fine motor skills. Outside play, games & dancing promote gross motor skills. The classroom walls are covered with child-initiated art, words and numbers in print, photographs & pictures to present a Print-Rich Environment. The children have a Library Center with books, magazines & other reading materials to foster literacy. The children are taught the alphabet, colors, numbers & problem solving. They are encouraged to create their own play. Activities are presented to them to teach math, science, music and the enjoyment of learning.


* Every child at Lighthouse Christian Academy participates in a Chapel Time every morning.  Godly principles are applied daily to the learning environment through prayer, scripture, songs, music & Bible stories. The curriculum is written to teach the whole child with love, respect and patience.